Dylan is now 8 weeks old! She's started to nap on her stomach which seems to work well. Apparently it's best for them to sleep on they're backs, but we watch her closely. Oh yeah, and I would like to thank the scientific community for discovering SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Nothing like a syndrome for which there is no known cause but will suddenly kill you're baby. I really needed that one to help me sleep at night.
She's super cute even with her baby mullet. she had quite a bit of hair when she was born, but most of it fell out..... except the back. Now she has fuzz on top of her head and almost 2 inches of hair on the back of her melon. She also has a new favorite person. Is it her mother?..... nope. Yours truly?...... nope. Must be a grandparent then....not even close. It's a blue whale with an elephant on it's back. You might think that this elephant/whale abomination must have fed her or played with her to earn this love.... wrong again, they just sit over her changing table, they don't even swing on their own, I have to make them swing. And then she looks at them and smiles real big. I'm not saying that I never get smiles, but when you're changing a not so fresh diaper at 1am it would be nice to not be upstaged by an unrealistic stuffed water mammal. Anyway, here she is looking at her favorite dynamic animal duo.
I love the mullet. Most babies have them at some point. It's such a short stage in their life... one that you look at pictures years later and sigh, while thinking "I miss those mullet days."
Love you guys,
Charlie - love your sweet baby girl! And, I think we have the same birthday (Dec.22) i think Lee told me that. Anyway, hope your little fam is doing great. When Dylan starts talking you should teach her to talk in abbrevs.
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