Dylan is 6 weeks old today. Amazing how much things have already changed. A couple nights ago she slept 6 hours straight! It was 1 am and I was unfortunately still doing homework, but Sarah was sleeping on the couch and when she woke up she said: "what time is it? Is she ok?" The books tell us that things should get a bit easier around this time, and I hope they're right. We're trying bottle feeding for the first time today. Seems to be working ok. Sarah has around 4 weeks left before she goes back to work, so we have to try and get Dylan use to the bottle. Other than that things have been going fairly well. School is challenging for me with a new baby and all. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do homework and study. Sarah's an awesome mom, she seems to have endless patience, though I'm sure it's tested plenty of times. We're looking forward to being able to get out more. Dylan does alright most of the time, but if she gets upset you have to walk her around for a while which makes outings a little complicated. So for now you'll all have to come visit us!
Love seeing Dylan in "real time."!! She's adorable! Those sweet new baby sounds are precious.
That picture of Dylan with the bottle is amazing! What a great gal she is. I'm so glad she has parents who love her as sweetly as you and Sarah do!
she is prity. i love hir. i am hapy to see her in 8 days. to come there and visit .to sarah and charlie i love hir.
from sky
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