I just spent a very interesting spring break getting a taste of what Sarah did for the first 3 months of Dylan's little life. It's awesome to get to spend time with Dylan, but there are many challenges to being a stay-at-home parent that I had not yet experienced. I was prepared for it not to be all fun and games (games being a bit advanced for Dylan at this stage), but there's nothing like experiencing things first hand. What gets you is basically a combination of loneliness and not enough time to your self (if that makes any sense). There is a definite longing for adult conversation. Don't get me wrong, I truly enjoyed our time together; but around Thursday I must admit that I was looking for a serious break from diapers and feeding and making funny faces that she usually didn't find very humorous.
That being said, it really was a good week. We got to play with Mary, Henry and Maggie which was a blast. We also got to introduce Dylan to new cousins which we always love. I'm attaching a picture of Dylan with Seanna and Sky; Sarah's sister Jenny's girls. Jenny and her husband Fenton came in to town for the week with the girls and we really had a good time. Dylan also made out like a fat-cat since now she has two cousin's worth of hand-me-down clothes. If you guys are reading this, I hope we get to see you again soon. As Jim Farnsworth has always told me, family is really what life is all about. I think family is a great avenue for God to teach us many many things. The problem with family is that you can't pick your family, but I think that is awesome. It stretches us sometimes, but it teaches us to love others even when we don't necessarily see eye-to-eye. You may not agree with your crazy uncle Ned's views, but it's still nice to see him from time to time cause he's your Dad's brother and part of your family's history. Your sister may drive you crazy, but you'd travel around the world to help her if she were in trouble. I think it's a great example of unconditional love that most people don't experience anywhere else. I feel very fortunate to have such awesome family.
Here's a video of Dylan making cool baby noises (Lee Y. I know you love these)
I loved getting to see Dylan in person at church today. She is precious! I saw you from far away snuggling with her...she's lucky to have you as her dad.
That was awesome... she sounds like R2D2! a couple months old and she's already geeking out on the star wars!
It was great to see you guys and Dylan for spring break! Wish we were closer to visit more often, she's grown so much in the past month! We love this blog, charlie. Thanks for taking the time to share!
-auntie jen, uncle fenton, your cousins sea & sky
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