I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about how I'm creeping up on 30 and I'm not sure when it happened. I'm getting e-mails about 10 year reunions, I have a niece, a nephew, and a daughter; But I don't really feel much different from when I was 16. I still like starwars, I wish I could play video games every day, my sense of humor hasn't changed all that much (farts are still funny). I guess I just feel a bit like the kid in Big; I'm twelve but I look older and no one is buying me food anymore (well, technically my wife is giving me money to buy food now that I'm in school, but you know what I mean). But then I think about how much I have changed. I've been married now for almost 7 years! I don't go home right after school or work and hang out with Lee or Mac, I come home and take care of my daughter and hang with my beautiful wife. I try to pick up after my self, and though I may not always succeed, I am way better than when I was in college (ask Lee). I do the dishes before they smell like rancid food, I cook dinner often since Sarah get off work after I get off school. I'm really nothing like I was when I was 16 except that I'm me. I always thought that I would feel different when I got older.
I saw some really cool pictures the other day of my wife's family. Some of them were very old. My wife's grandfather is an incredibly sweet man and has a great love of family. He made us some CD's with pictures of his wife, her family, and then of him and her together with the kids. It's really incredible to see a picture of a 25 year old man or woman that you have only know since they were 65. It makes you realize just how little separates us from our older selves. Sarah's mom was so cute as a kid (and is very beautiful today in her 30s), but it was fun to see a look in her eyes at 13 that I have seen many times since I have known her. It makes me feel like it's ok to be a man that feels like a boy.
Anywho, I'm going to post a really long but cute video of Dylan. There is also a lot of silly talking and noise making by Sarah and my self. Some of you may want to skip to the end cause she does her best tricks then, but I figured the grandparents and great-grandparents would want to see the whole thing. Hope you enjoy!
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