Penny has been a bit of a stinker about naps lately. I guess I should be honored - I must be so cool she just wants to hang out with me all the time. She makes a pretty good fuss about the whole thing. She has also been waking up more at night lately - which has me none too pleased to wake up at all hours of the night. Who knows what's going on with that baby - she sure is fun though - think we'll keep her in spite of it all. She does make up for it by giving you the biggest grin when you come to get her in her bed.
Dylan has been super-excited about feeding Penny the last few days. Even though we haven't started any foods yet - Dylan kept insisting that she feed Penny. So, we bought Penny some sippy cups last week and Dylan has been feeding Penny some water. Dylan loves it and Penny loves the sippy. I think she has been jealous of Dylan's for awhile now. The problem is - Dylan does NOT want Penny to try and wield the cup on her own and Penny REALLY wants to wield the cup on her own. Dylan usually wins that battle.
Dylan loves getting books from the library. We try to get new books at least every few weeks to keep it fresh. The other day we were reading one of the library books - "Little Rabbit Goes to School" and she said "this book is my best." It took me a minute to realize that she was communicating that this book was her favorite. I love it - I hope that she never learns the correct way to say it. I should walk around with a recorder so that I don't forget all these awesome moments.
They are so precious!
Sweet! Sisters are so special. :)
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