("Designs by Dylan" - call for your free consultation)
So, Charlie has been gone for the past three days now. Well, technically - he didn't leave town until Monday evening, but I didn't get any help from him at home on Monday night, so it counts as one whole day alone in my books. But, I must admit. I really haven't been alone. My dad is also flying solo since his jet setter wife is off on another three week adventure here, there and everywhere. So, Pops, Dylan, Penny and mommy had cheap pizza night at our house. Then, on Tuesday we got a visit from Mimi in the afternoon and then went to Pops for dinner. Today (Wed), we had another fun visit with Mimi and Pops came over for some food. While I miss Charlie very much and am flying solo in that respect, I haven't been hurting for help with the kiddos - which is an enormous blessing. So nice to have such sweet family surrounding us. It will be very sad to leave Tennessee if it comes to that.
I think Charlie has had a good time in Denver - busy, but fun. He should hear by next week about an offer. Exciting times. Can't wait to see what happens.
Penny is rolling all over the place these days. I can see my days of leaving the room with her lying on the floor by herself are quickly dwindling down. However, I am glad that the ability to roll both ways (front to back and back to front) has been close to mastered - especially the more difficult back to front as this was causing her to wake me 2 and 3 times per night. We start solid foods in about a week and I am very interested to see her reaction. Part of me thinks that since she has been so enthralled by the whole process that she will take her first bite and think - "really, what's all the fuss?" I think I might have the same thought if my first bite was rice cereal. We'll see what reaction sweet potatoes gets. We'll try to remember to document with pictures. Til that time - here are some to keep you coming back.
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