Some people say that Dylan looks like me or looked like me when she was a baby. But, now - there really is not much resemblance between me and my first daughter. She looks exactly like Charlie - just a girl version. I have no problem with this as I think my husband is a nice looking individual. Penny I am told looks like me and even looks like my dad. Sometimes I think she looks a lot like my dad.
The girls and I have been spending a lot of time outside in the front yard lately - and on the back deck in our new hammock swing that Jenny, Fenton and the girls got me for Christmas. Yesterday morning, Dylan, Penny and I were in the front yard and Penny was hanging out in her bouncy seat. I was trimming a shrub and could see both girls in my peripheral vision - 5 ft away or so. I noticed that Dylan was crouching over Penny so I turned to get a full picture. I then noticed that Dylan had decided to stuff a large bunch of grass in Penny's mouth! I ran over and pulled the grass out and of course told Dylan that we can't put things in Penny's mouth - especially not grass. The weird thing is - Penny wasn't even crying or protesting about it. She has been so very interested in the food going into our mouths the last few weeks - grabbing at it, watching it from plate to mouth, slobbering and sucking at the food - that I think she was happy to get in on some of this "stuff in mouth" action. I promise to feed her more tasty things than grass. I wish I had a picture of the grass hanging out of her mouth - but I don't think I would be living up to my motherly duties if I went inside the house to get the camera while my 5 month old had grass hanging out of her mouth.
Enjoy the Spring blooms - we'll write and post more pics soon.
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