Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dance Party

Hello all you avid bloggsters, I know you've all been awaiting this update with bated breath. Where to start..... Well, I finally graduated with my Phd, errr my Masters, errr I mean my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Yes I am indeed 29 and just graduating college, but I took a long break in the middle there. I've accepted a job in Clinton Tennessee out in the middle of nowhere, but the job shows promise and the money is good. I am grateful to finally be able to support my ladies. Sarah has resigned from her job and will be done on June 12 and then it's off to vacation for a week before I start work on July 6th. That's basically what we've been up to.

Dylan has been exploring the benefits of screaming for hours at a time at various times of the night. I think she's decided that 1-3am is the best time to wake up and scream, but she also likes to start the night off with a good hour of it sometimes. We've been trying to show her that it is possible to go to sleep and stay that way all throughout the night, but she isn't convinced. Besides the sleeping issues, Dylan has been a lot of fun. I'm throwing a bunch of pictures of her pestering the dogs and just being silly at the end here, and then an awesome dance video. Dylan LOVES the Beyonce song 'single ladies' and if you start to sing it she points at the computer and sais 'Moe' which means more.

Now you're up to date, I hope your lives don't seem insignificant compared to ours, but we can't all live the glamorous life of stay at home dads that are transitioning to working dads and working pregnant moms that are transitioning to stay at home moms. It's not all limosines and coctail parties... in fact none of it is limosines and coctail parties, it's more like baby seats and little turtle pools.



Anonymous said...

That's the best "single lady" out there! Great Job Dylan.....Happy Feet! oh, and tell your mom her karoeoke of Beyonce isn't bad either!

Aunt Jen

Congrats to both for the transition that is happening! You both deserve it! Oh the glory...

Christy Younger said...

That had me laughing from beginning to end! Awesome, the dancing is my fav!

Molly and Brad said...

HILARIOUS!!!! :) go, Dylan! go, Dylan!

The Hull Munchkins said...

That is the cutest dancing I've seen in a long while! She's actually on beat. Sarah, hope you are feeling good.
have fun on vacation.

Anonymous said...

I love this more than Beynonce's video! Sooooo sweet, thanks for posting it!

Sharon Dowdy :)