I feel like I did not get to say goodbye to everyone like I would have liked. I didn't say anything in Church because I didn't want to make a scene, and there was so much to do in order to get our house ready that I wasn't able to have that last dude-fest with the guys or hang with my family enough. Life just has a way of sweeping us onward I guess.
Everything is going well, we have the new house now and have left our lender problems (Don't use Bank of America) behind. Sarah is an amazing woman and has been nothing but positive and supportive. Penny of course is none the wiser, but Dylan talks about her green house and her blue room from time to time. Among her favorite subjects are Henry, Maggie, Anna and Norah. She'll tell me how Mary calls Maggie Ju-Ju and Henry "H". It breaks my heart to separate our girls from Mary's kids, it has really been a struggle for me. In all our travels in my life, I have never been the cause of the separation, just a participant.
Anywho, here are some pictures to chronicle our first few days on our new home.
Dylan's first tree climbing experience.
Our new swing set courtesy of the previous owners.
Penny is a bit ticklish.
Bouncing in a tree.

Insert fake cigarette here.
My stoner 8mo. old
Dude! My hands are huge!
Cousin's hand me downs

Quick tour of the house with my random comments.