Dylan has really been super sweet to Penny ever since she arrived. Any confusion or unhappiness she has felt due to Penny's arrival and introduction into our family has been in the form of crying or throwing a small fit when she can't be held when I am holding Penny. She will hit Penny one day, I know, but for now it is very nice that she hasn't been aggressive. In fact, she's been very loving and sweet. She will come up to Penny in the car seat or bouncy seat and say "hello penny" or "hello baby" and then show her a toy or offer her something to eat or drink. she doesn't ask to hold her anymore, but she does interact with her every now and then.
we had a super fun christmas. we spent early christmas morning with nonny, pop, GGP (great grandpa), Josh and Annie. then we headed over to the Job household and had fun opening presents with uncles, aunts, cousins and mimi and papa. then, we spent that evening at Nan's with the whole Job crew. it was a busy day, but such fun to be with lots of family. Dylan had a great time all day long - penny was mostly out of it, but next year will be a different story. what a blessing it is to have such wonderful family all around us. we missed having our cousins sea and sky here for the holiday, but we are looking forward to seeing them sometime in the spring hopefully.
well, here are some recent pics of Dylan trying out some new christmas presents.