It would seem that it's been over a month since I last posted and for that I must apologize to you grand and great-grandparents. I do however have several cute pictures that I think will make up for my neglectfulness. It's really been a wild summer for me this year. Dylan is both a lot of fun and a huge responsibility. She's sitting up fairly well and she's eating fruit and veggie puree. She laughs at my funny faces now which is awesome; plus she's been making funny faces back at me which is even better. I'm looking forward to school starting a bit because I really want to be done with it sooner, but it'll be weird to hand Dylan off to someone else for a good part of the day. There's something really cool about being the one that knows how she spends her day and all the funny stuff she does. I really want to provide for my girls and I know that Sarah wants to be home with Dylan, but I really think I'll miss being Mr Mom when I get a job.
The last couple weeks have been a bit tough for me at home cause Sarah has been really busy at work and it's been so hot that I haven't been able to take Dylan out for walks. During the school year I like to taker her out so I can get some exercise and she can see a bit of the world outside, but lately it's only cool enough in the mornings which is not my time of the day. I basically stumble through till 9am when she (we) takes her first nap. After nap number one I'm ready to go but it's 90 degrees outside and miserably humid. Soon enough it'll cool off and the leaves will change and walks will be back on the menu.
Well, enough blah blah here's the swag you've all been waiting for. There are some pics of Maggie (my niece) mixed in as well (check out her push-ups). Hope everyone is doing well